It's important to distinguish between a biblical view of church and traditional views. This leads to a healthy view of church and an ability to react …
A Biblical View of Church Demands THIS
Howard Snyder, who is a prominent author specifically on the topic of the life of the Church, wrote the following in his book called The Community of …
This Must Happen to Have Unity in a Church
Unity in a church is not just agreeing on things. The Scriptures give us pictures of unity, and they all display the same concept. That concept …
Why It’s Difficult to Think and Act in Community
Why did God plant a fruit tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden? Think about this...what is fruit on a tree? It's a container for the life of …
The 5-Fold Ministry: 6 Concerns to Consider Before Adopting It
The "5-fold ministry" is a philosophy of Christian church structure and administration constructed using 3 Bible verses from Paul's letter to the …
The 5-Fold Ministry: 6 Concerns to Consider Before Adopting ItRead More
Why is Church Leadership Important?
Let's start with defining leadership in general. True relational leadership (not given because of a position or title) is simply having …
A Sign of Healthy Church from the Book of 1 Kings
A sign of a healthy church is the members build their individual lives around the church, not the other way around. The story of the book The …
How To Think About The Institutional Church in America
By far, the most attended church model where I live is the institutional church. In case that term isn't familiar to you, by "institutional" I …
How To Think About The Institutional Church in AmericaRead More
Why Jesus Didn’t Stay In His First Individual Human Body
There are many biblical images taken from the world around us that show and remind us how the physical realm expresses faint images of spiritual …
Why Jesus Didn’t Stay In His First Individual Human BodyRead More
Numbers Lie. What Happens To A Church When They’re In Charge?
I recently purchased a new home. If you've ever done that, then you're aware that knowing the numbers is extremely crucial and helpful. In …
Numbers Lie. What Happens To A Church When They’re In Charge?Read More